The Routzahn family thanks you for supporting our store for generations. Our loyal customers allow us to keep pace with the large chain stores and carry the latest styles from the top brands you love. We strive to give our customers top products and personal service that you won't find at a Big Box Retailer.
In April of 1984, Harold Routzahn and his wife Judy founded Middletown Sportsland Inc. Harold, for the first six years, only worked part time in the store. He relied on Judy to run the store most of the time, often while their 2 youngest children played in the back room office. Harold at the time was a produce merchandiser for a company out of Hagerstown. It wasn't till 1990 that Routzahn resigned from his job to take over full time at the store. Judy then went back to work for the Frederick County Board of Education.

Sportsland has been located at 108 West Main in Middletown since it opened it's doors. The store was only in the front portion of the building, as the building owners still lived in the small attached apartment and rented out the apartment upstairs. The Routzahn's purchased the building in 1993, and immediately began the expansion of Sportsland into what it has become today, providing supplies for teams from all over Maryland, Northern Virginia, West Virginia and Southern Pennsylvania. The store suffered major flood damage in 2010 when a water line broke and went through another major renovation. Sportsland continued to service teams/organizations with custom screen printed
and embroidered items until the retail portion of the store was able to reopen.
Lisa Morgan, who is married to Harold's nephew, joined the sales team in 1994. She handles day to day retail sales and helps out with team/organization sales. In house screen printing and embroidery was added in the late 1990's as well. This has allowed them to offer the highest levels of service to their retail, team and corporate accounts. Harold's oldest son Chad oversees the screen printing duties for the business. Vicki Keller a long time area resident heads up the embroidery department. It was in early 2010 that Sean Cameron, Harold's son in law, married to his daughter Shannon, came on board to help out with team sales, online stores and purchasing. Harold's middle son Wes will return in 2019, on a part time basis, after some business ventures of his own. Wes will help with all things that go on behind the scenes that make the day to day easier for all the employees. Harold is hoping to decrease his amount of time in the shop and start to enjoy semi retirement with his grandkids Lane, Keller, Audrey, Sawyer, CW, Brylee and Granger. These young people may be the next in line to carry on the Sportsland tradition.
The future of Middletown Sportsland Inc. looks very bright because the principles that the business was founded on over 30 years ago are still in place today. We could not have done it without the dedicated staff and customers from the past or present. Everyone has made a significant impact on where we are today.
Support those businesses that support your community. Sportsland with many other family owned businesses make our area a special place to live, play and shop!
A Russian youth baseball team played a exhibition game against the Wolfsville Wildcats. Here, Russian coach Pavel E. Gladikov left, shakes hands with CW Cameron while Sawyer Routzahn and Keller Routzahn look on. At the center is grandfather Harold Routzahn, who owns Middletown Sportsland and arranged the visit.